Photo of Little and I from Brea's shoot with Meg White Photography |
You see, day 13 was about weaknesses. Which is fine and dandy, we all have some. Only, I didn't want to focus solely on those. So I postponed that post so that I could do day 13 & 14 (strengths!) together. That way it's a nice, honest, but still slightly positive look into myself.
So, 5 of my weaknesses-
1. I put alot of pressure on myself. I realize that I do this. I know and accept that I'm not perfect. No one is perfect and honestly, that takes alot of the pressure off but thing is- while I don't necessarily strive to be perfect, I do want to be the BEST version of myself possible. It's a very fine line, I think, and I haven't found that balance.
2. I tend to "over book" things. I really like to say yes to things. Seriously. YES, I want to drive an hour to hit that get together, YES! I want to work full time, YES! I want to go out for drinks, YES! I want to go to school, YES! I want to have a successful blog (We've got 1000 hits in... 3 weeks??!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!!!) YES! I want to have girls night, YES! I want to go out on that date. I don't like to admit when I can't do things and if someone asks me for help or to go out, I honestly really want to!!! So, sometimes, I tend to bite off more than I can chew. Okay, fine, so what if I'm a little overly ambitious? You gotta shoot for the moon to end up with the stars (or something like that?), right? But sometimes, this means that projects don't always get all the attention they need. I'm working on my time management skills!
3. I can be overly positive. To the point where it comes off as insensitive. This doesn't make sense until you've made a habbit of trying to give people positive advice. Conversations usually go something like this:
Friend: " This boy really screwed me over and I'm so sad and I'm not worth anything!"
Me: "Hey. Chin up. You can't dwell on that negitive energy or it will control your entire life! Put the positive energy out into the universe that things will work out. Youd be amazed. It really works."
Doesn't seem rude to you? Oh! Thank heavens! I really mean it to help but sometimes people don't want to hear that they control their reality and how they see it. Plus it kinda just sounds like I'm sugar coating telling them to suck it up. You know, rub some dirt in! Be a man! Be tough or something!
The thing is, to me, that is really quality advice because I very firmly believe that dwelling on bad experiences will warp your perspective. But as a girl, I understand that sometimes Homegirl just needs to cry it out (and while my advice is perfectly rational sometimes, as a girl, you just want your friends to be like "OH MY GOSH! HE DID WHAT?!!!!!!!! HOMEBOYS GOING DOOOOOOWN!!!!").
4. I am indecisive. I've changed majors 5048952805820 times (okay, fine- maybe not quite that many but it feels that way!). Heaven forbid you EVER ask me what I want for dinner because I literally NEVER know (unless it's a sushi- that's always a safe bet around these parts!). I have to pick out my clothes a day before because I will literally change my mind 700 times before Im ready to leave the house! It's horrible.
5. I'm pretty sure my brain is on drugs or something (Oh, but I, myself, don't do any! Don't get the wrong idea, folks! That was a joke!). Because my brain sounds like this- "fskajfaskljklsdfjkl;sdfjklajffdjljsflafjlas;fas" Yeah. Always. We've talked about this. So, if you tell me something and I don't remember it- its not personal. I swear I try to pay attention. I really do!
But, 5 of my strengths are-
1. I'm obsessed with "why". When people tell me an issue they have with someone or if I get frustrated with someone, I feel like I have to solve it like a puzzle. So I start contemplating "why". 'Why does this person keep arguing even though they know they are wrong?', 'Why does such n such get so defensive about such n such?' That sort of thing. The bad side of this is sometimes, if we have an argument, you have to let me step out of the situation. Seriously. Does anyone else feel like that? Like just give me 10 minutes to contemplate "why" and calm down. Then I'll come back and be able to face you and talk to you like a normal, rational, calm person. But I think that getting extra perspective has really helped in trying to develop more patience and empathy. Everyone has a "why". Next time your upset, just remember that. They have a story and a reason and they probably think they make perfect sense, just like you do.
2. Im a firm believer in positive thought and I think that helps me handle alot of situations. I love to take a bad day and spin it around into a good day. Like, okay fine I had a rough day at school but now Im going to go buy a delicious mint water and have a good day from here on out! Seriously, it can be something that LITTLE! But if you focus on it and make up your mind to have a good day no matter what, your day turns around completely! Try it some time!
3. I'm ambitious- sure, sometimes overly so, but I really think it's important to hold yourself to a high standard. Not too high, though- I'm working on finding a balance.
4. I have an amazing support system. It's hard to get stuck in pity town when you surround yourself with people that love you. Seriously. I wouldn't be the person I am without them. I can't even begin to tell you how brilliant they are. I think that is probably the best change anyone can make in their lives- throw out the people who don't make you feel good. Surround yourself with brilliant people who make you feel amazing. Negativity is contagious.
5. I'm creative. Give me an idea and I'll go crazy with it. Seriously. Sometimes you will have to reign me in because I get a little too far out of the box from time to time. But, come on, it's fun!
What are your strengths/weaknesses?
I love your freakin' blog!! You are adorable (and take great selfies btw). I am 'overly positive' too and it drives people nuts. For me, I'm thinking 'of course when it rains it pours, because you're moping on and on about the rain instead of being grateful for water' ya know? So relieved someone else thinks that way.
Loving your blog, the animal print is adorable! Ohhh I am so indecisive as well, it's kinda a problem! lol
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Thats exactly how I think too! I feel awful sometimes if I know that's not what they want to hear but its honestly the best advice I can give! There is always a reason to be grateful if you look hard enough!
Thanks for reading and welcome! Being indecisive is the WORST sometimes! I know it drives people around me absolutely bonkers but what's a girl to do?!
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